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212 Market Street
New Richmond, OH 45157

Office hours

9:00am – 5:00pm

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(513) 988-7232

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❖ ANNOUNCEMENT ❖ We will be delaying opening until further notice ❖ ANNOUNCEMENT ❖
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We Need Your Support

Donations to Christendom Bible College are tax deductible under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code*. The costs of operating the school at the level of excellence required to fulfill our mission exceed what tuition will cover, especially as we embark on this new endeavor. It will take time to build a student body, and subsequent support through alumni giving. You can be a part of our effort to restore the foundations through educating the coming generations of Christian students.

We expect the need for outside revenue sources to diminish over time, as we build programs and steward initial generous gifts.  For the foreseeable future, however, we cannot accomplish our mission without committed financial partners in this critical ministry. The opportunities for Christian students to receive the kind of training we are providing are limited, and we believe your support provides an exciting opportunity to stand strong at a crucial point of attack. Minting well-prepared and faithful students is an arrow we can fire at Christ’s enemies together with you.

As you may have guessed, we do not accept any funds from any federal or local government. This ensures we are free to teach truth unapologetically, and without entanglements that so often erode the good intentions of Christian higher educational institutions. Furthermore, we do not knowingly accept funds from any non-governmental source not in substantial agreement with our foundational doctrines or other issue statements. There is great freedom in this principled approach.  But, it also requires more extensive partnering with financial donors than necessary for most conventional institutions.  We rely on the generosity of our Christian brothers to sustain our mission. Please commit to partnering with us as the Lord enables you.

At CBC, debt avoidance is an important goal. There is so much we want to provide our students, but we are committed to growing programs and facilities only as God blesses us financially to do so responsibly. For this reason, we implore our Christian brothers to give so our students may receive the very best we can provide.

*Christendom Bible College does not provide tax advice, but, on a limited basis we can discuss with you or your tax advisor giving strategies that may enhance the available tax benefit of your charitable giving.

Support the mission of Christendom Bible College

How to Support Us


We believe God can and will use us and the people who pray for us to build this work. Our request for your active prayer support is not merely Christian boilerplate. We are convicted that prayer is necessary and commanded for any truly successful Kingdom endeavor. Your prayers are more essential than your financial support (and your financial support is also very important). Please include us on your personal prayer agenda, and that of your church and other Christian groups. We cannot complete this undertaking alone. If you would like specific things for which we ask prayer, please reach out and ask.  We will be happy to let you know our current prayer requests.


As with any similar organization, we need money to operate. With that in mind, there are a variety of avenues through which this need may be met:


  • Cash donations
  • Endow a Chair
  • Honor a Faithful Saint
  • Contribute Assets Such as Stock, Securites, Land or Art
  • Legacy Giving

Talents & Connections

In addition to the above, you may have a talent, skill or important connection that would help us as we grow. Please get in touch with us to discuss other opportunities to partner with us in our mission.