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Statement for Faculty

We Believe

Our Faith, Stated

Each member of the faculty, whether full-time, part-time or adjunct, each board member, each officer and each executive member of our administration or staff–the people who teach and make decisions in our institution–must subscribe to the content contained in the Student Statement, and also one or more of the following:

  • Westminster Standards (Westminster Confession of Faith, Westminster Shorter and Larger Catechisms)
  • One or all of the Three Forms of Unity: The Belgic Confession of Faith, Canons of Dordt, and the Heidelberg Catechism.
  • The XXXIX Articles of Religion
  • London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689

Additionally, members of our faculty, board, officers and executive administration must agree with CBC’s Statement of Principles, which cover a range of contemporary cultural issues,, applying the doctrine taught in the various historic confessions to the challenges of our own time.

“The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.” There has been a marked decline within Christian higher education institutions of fidelity to the historic, biblical Christian faith. Many are the reasons, and various are the methods by which these institutions have been subverted, and CBC seeks to guard against this with the best means available for doing so: honesty and accountability.

At CBC, we require adherence to doctrinal clarity and forthright statements of principles and issues. The person who scruples to abide by this standard is not well-suited to our institution or its mission. We endeavor to steward a sacred trust that has been delivered to us by God and by those who have gone before.

Clearly, though, multiplication of statements will not replace the essential inward work of conviction and repentance on the hearts of the men and women involved in our institution, and so as we mark out the ground upon which we stand, we pray, and ask you to pray, for our faithfulness to the faith once for all delivered to the saints.


Statement of Principles

Christendom Bible College, in addition to affirming the historic, Reformed, Protestant and ecumenical creeds of the Christian Church, affirm the following principles, which we believe to be faithful applications of the ancient faith to contemporary challenges thereof:

  • Holy Scripture We believe that the Word of God is contained in the 66 books comprising the Old and New Testaments of the Bible in its entirety, its specificity and perspicacity, and which alone is authoritative in all human affairs with respect to all matters about which it speaks, and in varying degrees of specificity, it speaks about all matters. There is no higher wisdom, no greater understanding, no superior moral code, no more perfect insight into God, creation, man, providence, church, civil government, marriage, family, work, or any other area of knowledge than that revealed unto man by God Himself speaking in His Word.The Bible is inerrant in its original manuscripts, reliable in its faithful translations (not paraphrases), infallible, and sufficient for faith and life for all men.

  • God We affirm with the historic creeds that God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, three persons in one God. Additionally, we assert that no human being, or collection of human beings, or civil government, or entertainer, athlete, institution, intellectual, spiritual being, idea, thought system, or any other man-imagined replacement for the one, true God has any claim to man’s obedience or allegiance beyond whatever God may have, in His Word, delegated to it for the purpose of restraining sin and encouraging holiness. The giving unto any of the above any consideration, devotion or obedience rightfully belonging to God is wicked, and is a serious error prevalent in our people, our churches, our governments, our families and our culture at large.

  • Creation In six literal, 24-hour time periods called “days,” God created, of nothing, all things other than Himself that exist or have ever existed.  He created them for His own good pleasure, and maintains absolute, sovereign control over all things, which exist for His glory alone.  God did not merely initiate a process from which things randomly developed. He specifically designed and made each thing, including the things created by secondary means, and no thing exists without His sovereign intention for it to exist, however mysterious its purpose may appear to man, and without denying those historic formulations that aptly describe the distinctions within the will of God of prescriptive and descriptive aspects.We also affirm that God specifically created man–the man, Adam, from dust and the woman, Eve, from the physical rib of the man, Adam, as a helpmeet to Adam, and that, therefore, the distinctions, gifts, purposes, roles and relations and limitations of man and woman are not mere social constructs, but part of the intentional design of God, however much we may have yet to learn the full beauty thereof.  Efforts to pass off the wisdom of Scripture and the history of the Church with respect to the proper functioning of men and women in relation to one another is a wicked error of our age, not to say previous ages have had their own errors in this regard.

  • Man God created man in His own image, but man marred the image of God in him by sinning against God. The effects of this sin on the image of God in man are not equally severe in all individual men, nor are all redeemed men equally sanctified, and therefore do not have an equal restoration of the image of God. Nor does God creating man in His own image confer some special dignity beyond being above the beasts and a little lower than the angels to some degree. Indeed, the presence of a lingering image of God in men who reject Christ and remain dead in their trespasses and sins results in a status in some ways lower than the beasts in their wicked rebellion against God and their rejection of their Creator’s offer of salvation. It is an error to reference the marred image of God in man to justify elevating or excusing evil in men, or requiring the relaxation of the righteous standards of God’s law for any man. Indeed, a man who murders another man must not be spared because something of God’s image yet remains in him, but the murderer must be put to death in accordance with biblical requirements, because he has committed an assault upon the image of God in committing murder.Egalitarianism is a pernicious error creating havoc in culture, church and family. Men are not equal, except in that they will all, without exception, face the same Judge (Jesus Christ), and be judged by the same law, and stand in need of salvation from sin. None are righteous, no, not one, but all stand in need of God’s gracious deliverance from sin in order to escape their just condemnation, and in order to enjoy God’s blessing and favor. In this sense only are all men equal. No amount of money, power or influence will avail with the Son on Judgment Day, but only the covering of His blood.God created from one man, the various families, nations and races of men present in the world, and established their boundaries. Therefore, while there is common human ancestry, there is also actual differentiation wrought by the providence of God, and not merely constructed by fictions of societal convenience.Efforts to remove the ancient landmarks are efforts to undo the providence of God and are not only doomed to fail, ultimately, but are sinful rebellion to the King of kings, who gathers His elect from every nation, tongue and tribe. We affirm that there is no biblical ground for declaring one family, tribe, nation or race inherently superior or inherently inferior in relation to another, but that preference for one’s own family, tribe, nation or race is not an act of sin, but may be an act of honoring father and mother, in accordance with the fifth commandment. Sinful boasting and pride are unChristian. Mistreatment, biblically defined, of any man, for any reason, is sin. The existence of social inferiority or social superiority is not sin, however, and is both biblically endorsed, and useful for the restraint of sin on the part of men with varying gifts and social stations living in community with one another. Repenting of actual sins, biblically-defined, of our fathers does, in fact, honor them. Sin, however, is not based upon the whim of a Christless culture, or the demands of an angry mob, but upon the written Word of God, Who changes not, and who countenances no rival god nor standard of righteousness. There are no forefathers without sin. Nevertheless, it is right and good to honor those worthy of respect for deeds of sacrifice, bravery, righteousness, just governance or any other biblically-commendable trait or action. The destruction or removal of monuments and memorials erected for right purposes is a wicked attempt to shame and blame father and mother, and is, therefore, sin. Cultural Marxism in its various forms (critical legal theory, feminism, critical race theory, egalitarianism, etc.) is contrary to the Word of God and Christianity, and it has no place being taught in our Churches, but should rather be condemned as spurious and destructive from the pulpits of the Church of Christ, and in Christian institutions of learning. The failure to do so is serious, and one of the main causes of the infidelity of Christian intellectuals and teachers towards their Lord and their brothers and sisters in Christ. Man stands in need of salvation, which God offers though the atonement of Christ alone, by faith in Christ alone, applied in sanctification by the Holy Spirit alone. There is no other god, and there is no other way man may be reconciled to the one, true God against whom he has sinned. The wages of sin is death, and but for the grace of God in Jesus Christ, all would perish, and none would enjoy eternal life. Praise be to God, He has seen fit to save His elect from all over the earth! Any man, once saved by God, having been born again of the Holy Spirit, will continue in varying degrees to have that salvation more and more applied to every area of his life, so that He will not fall away from the faith, but be finally and completely saved, by the grace of God. This does not progress nor manifest itself exactly the same in each man.

  • Providence God controls all things, although He may, and often does, utilize secondary means to do so. Nevertheless, He does no violence to the volition of man, but in His sovereign providence may so effectively influence the volition as to direct the man’s actions, yet the man has chosen to act as he has, in fact, acted. Nothing is contingent or unknown to God, and He awaits no mere man’s choice to know the course of history, or accomplish all His pleasure. His declarative will may be inscrutable to man, but it is never uncertain to Almighty God, and it is always perfect, just and righteous. There is, ultimately, no such things as “chance.” All things are known by and providentially willed by God.

  • Church Jesus Christ commissioned His Church to make all nations disciples of His, baptizing them and teaching them to obey Jesus Christ in everything. Individuals comprise nations, but nations encompass more than just collections of random individuals. Therefore, the Church has a mission to accomplish that necessarily entails seeing the institutions, cultures, morals, art, enterprise, land use, language, religion and every other aspect of human activity that collectively qualifies as being “national,” become unreservedly obedient to and consciously honoring of the Lord Jesus Christ, as becoming one of His disciples. The Church is to be governed by qualified men, and not women (or children). Nor does Scripture permit women to teach or exercise authority over men. It is not sinful to call to repentance—even with some degree of intensity–those who seek to erode this biblical prescription. It is the spirit of the age, not the Spirit of Christ, to elevate pleasant manners over substantive truth, and “niceness” over biblical fidelity, in this, and many other issues facing the Church. The Church exists to glorify Christ and to gather and grow the elect. The Church stands as a bulwark against untruth and unrighteousness, and must always endeavor to separate from every lie, fraud and evil scheme, no matter how deceptively framed, by those who would prefer that she close her doors and cease to exist. She must be ever vigilant to protect the sheep of Christ from the deceit of the world, the devil and the flesh, and particularly when it comes from sources that should be trustworthy and authoritative. She must be especially diligent, according to Scripture, to ensure that the men who speak to and for her be faithful and bold in speech, and righteous in life.

  • Civil Government Civil government is a minister of God, and exists to administer His law as it pertains to civil matters. Civil government has no authority other than what has been delegated to it by the King of all governments, the Prince of peace, Jesus Christ. Beyond this, civil government has no authority to require affection, allegiance or obedience. There is no moral obligation to submit to an otherwise lawful authority when its demands exceed the limits of that authority. Within the limits of that authority, however, submission and obedience are required, and constitute an important Christian duty. Nations are not the equivalent of their respective civil governments, but are biblically and historically defined as a body of people who share common language, common values, common culture, common ancestry, common religion, and common geography. It is possible, and historically not uncommon, for a civil government ruling a nation to become antagonistic and lawless towards the very nation it governs. In such circumstance, the people have a right to lawfully seek to remove and replace the civil government with a more suitable one. Civil government is ordained by God for the just punishment of evildoers and the civil reward of those who do good to the civic body. It may bear the sword lawfully for this purpose, and only this purpose. Declaring good to be evil, and evil to be good is a prevalent error within nearly every level of civil of government in our time. It is the Christian’s duty to pray to God for those in authority, that they may repent of these sins, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and that God may remove and replace them with righteous men. Under the direction of providence, and in accordance with conscience conditioned by the Word of God, it is lawful for Christian men to seek to influence and participate in the civil government under which they find themselves.

  • Marriage Marriage is the union of one man and one woman, for life, for the purpose of pro-creating and raising children, and for the mutual companionship and happiness of the married man and woman. Though marriage is much more than just the sexual union of a man and a woman, there is no biblically-authorized, morally permissible sexual human relation outside this context. It is abomination to suggest otherwise, and the Church and culture of our time stand in need of serious repentance in this area. The relationship between Jesus Christ as husband, and the Church as bride is the model for the man and woman living together in a marital bond. All deviations from this God-given norm are grievous, though not all to the same degree or seriousness. No Christian will identify himself with a besetting sin he should be seeking to mortify. For example, just as there are no “lying Christians,” or “thieving Christians,” or “whore-mongering Christians,” there can be no “homosexual or sodomite Christians.”

  • Family Family consists of a husband, wife, any children with whom God blesses them either naturally or by adoption, and their extended relations. Families, in the usual usage of the term, are not groups of biologically unrelated individuals, though families, through adoption or marriage, may include biologically unrelated individuals. Families are the foundational unit of society, and accordingly due special privilege and consideration within both church and civil society, and by the individual members of the family. Self-sacrifice for the family by members of the family should be the commitment of each family member, particularly as they gain maturity. The husband is the head of the family as Christ is of the Church, and has the primary responsibility to provide for and protect them. The wife is subject to her husband as the Church is to Christ, and has the primary responsibility to help her husband and attend to the domestic order and tranquility of the family. The children have a duty of respect and obedience to both, and to contributing to the well-being and good name of the family as they have ability. Both parents have the duty to train their children in the fear of the Lord, and to ensure that anyone they enlist to assist them in this duty do the same. Parents and children are accountable to God for performing their duties to one another, as well as to members of their extended families. Christians who do not care for their families are worse than unbelievers, according to Scripture. Our treatment of our elderly and infirm, especially, is seriously deficient as we compromise with a culture that idolizes youth and superficial “beauty.” Similarly, the common practice of Christian parents to entrust the nurture of their children to those unqualified, and the common disrespect of parents by the children, are destructive sins among us demanding repentance.

  • Work God gave to man the work of stewarding His creation. Accordingly, we must consider the effects of our labors upon the earth (including fellow creatures—man and society) that is the charge entrusted to us. This can take many legitimate forms, and need not fall into the errors of the contemporary environmental movement, which cares more about political domination of private enterprise than it does the good of God’s earth. Nevertheless, as we see the beauty of this creation degraded in so many ways as the result of our neglect and profit-worship, and in furtherance of comfort and convenience, the way back to how faithful Christians should steward the earth is a matter in need of serious reflection and repentance as we commit to avoiding the related errors of nonchalant indifference and fanatical earth worship.God also gave us work to do to steward our resources and provide for our families, churches and communities. Attacks upon private property, therefore, regardless of whether it comes from the random thug on the street or from a global conglomerate dedicated to subtly engineering mass consumerism or from civil governments manipulating currency or taxing immorally, are attacks upon God’s design for man’s work, and should be declared against and resisted by all lawful means by the Church, and by individual Christians. Part of the work God has given us includes taking care of one another as need arises. This has been mischaracterized often as tending towards Economic Marxism or coercive collectivism. But, biblically, this is not the case. The blessings of God upon the work of man enable him to do good to family, neighbor, church and community, and our contemporary evangelical church culture has replaced this with the consumerism of our culture and the focus of our work on the acquisition of things subject to ravages of moth and rust. Economic Marxism and its manifestations (socialism, communism, and various shades of both) is a system of thought contrary to the biblical revelation regarding work and property, and should be rejected and condemned in the pulpit and the classroom by Christian intellectuals and teachers.

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